Custom Home Builder Central MA, New Old Home Construction Story

Article #1, Providing Site Access and Installing a Well

This is the first in a series of articles by a custom home builder in Central Ma that will describe the building of a New England-style new old home.  The story begins with an undeveloped lot located in a beautiful farm setting in Central Ma and will end when the landscaping is complete. 

If you have wondered how a new home is built, just follow each new article.  The articles will take you through the construction process using pictures and descriptions.  It is expected that a new article will be published about every week. 

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The homeowners with the assistance of Gilmore Building Co., (a custom home builder in Central MA) Custom Home Central MA, New Old Homecollaborating under the discipline of the design build process, are constructing a New England style new old home.  The image to the right is typical of a new old home.  New Old Homes are so named because they are designed to have the look and feel of the elegant homes that lined Main Street 200 or more years ago.  However, they are built with the floor layouts desired today and the latest in low maintenance, high efficiency systems and materials.   

The home being constructed is a decorated Greek Revival style from the 1860's era.   It will be a single-family, two-story home having approximately 3500 sq. ft., 2 1/2 baths, 4 bedrooms and a 2-car garage.  Two images of the open lot before construction began are provided below.   Pictures of the new home will be provided once the project is completed.

Step 1: Access and Well Installation

Once permits have been obtained, the first step in the construction of a new home is to provide vehicle access by opening a gravel road leading from the municipal road into the location where the foundation and the drinking water well will be located.   

With access to the well drilling site provided, an approved well drilling company is called in to drill the well.  This well was drilled to a depth of about 500 feet, and it produced more than 5 gallons per minute.  Samples of the well water were obtained, and the excellent laboratory results were submitted to the municipal Health Department for review and approval of the well.  The well head can be seen in the last image provided below. 

The next article will cover Step 2, Foundation Installation.

 Custom Home Builder Central Ma, house lot  Custom Home Builder Central Ma, House Lot
 Custom Home Builder Central MA, Well Head