Heat Pumps: An important part of GBCo's Energy Efficient Homes.
It's summer. It's hot. So, Many folks in America turn on their air conditioners. We know the issues related to using A/C. They are not climate change friendly and do not use energy efficiently. How then, do we beat the heat and care about the planet? Heat Pumps are more or less standard now in many of GBCo's new homes and energy renovations. Recently the New York Times posted an article detailing why and how America should invest in Heat Pumps to be installed in homes over A/C.
Also, here's a great explanation of what a heat pump does on Consumer Reports.
" Heat pumps offer a lower-carbon way to heat your home than other options, even if they run on electricity that’s mostly generated by fossil fuels. When they’re powered by renewable energy, whether that’s rooftop or community solar or a cleaner grid, they become even more sustainable. Because of their energy savings and environmental benefits, some states and utility companies offer rebates or other incentives to homeowners who install heat pumps."- Consumer Reports, May 26, 2022
What are heat pumps and how do they work? Watch this handy explanation by Mitsubishi. We really like these units when installing the mini split style of heat pump.
There are a few different types of systems that use heat pumps. We think a hybrid HVAC system with heat pumps such as this one: Dual Fuel System are key to hitting our high energy efficiency goals for our new homes and renovations.
Fortunately, there are many options for heating and cooling a home in a climate friendly and energy efficient manner. Gilmore Building would love to help you choose what system is right for your home and your needs.